Saturday, 8 May 2010

Cannabis plants need 6 thing's to grow successfully they are in no particular order light, air, water, nutrients, heat and a grow medium each are as important as each other with out any one of these growth stops. A grower should aim to meet the exact specifications of each of these to obtain the maximum yield.

Only female plants produce buds (the smoke able part that gets you stoned) Male's do not and should be removed from the grow area before seeding the females reducing potency.

I will go into more detail about every thing in later blogs.

What you will need
-a light minimum 250w recommended.
-a grow medium soil is recommended for beginners.
-water (correct P.H levels vital).
-a fan for air circulation.
-P.H test kit, P.H up and P.H down chemicals.
-extractor fan and carbon filter for smell control
(optional) .
-nutrients a must have make sure you by the correct nutes for each stage e.g vegetative nutes for veg and flouring nutes for flouring. If on a budget use natural nutes like coal and bat manure (bat guano).
-A timer to control the times the lights are on for.

There are 4 stages cannabis goes throw during its life.

Seeds need only water heat and air to germinate. Germinating seeds should be kept in the dark and they take 2-10 days to germinate depending on the quality of the seed.

Seedling growth
In this stage most of the growing happens underground the plant is forming its roots. at this stage the plant should receive 16-18 hours of light a day. This stage last for around 2-3 weeks.

Vegetative growth

This is the stage that cannabis plants grow at there fastest rate and should receive 18-20 hours of light each day. It is up to the grower how long this stage lasts for the longer the plant is in vegetative stage the bigger it will get and more it will produce.

Flowering stage

This is the stage the buds form. This stage is triggered by switching the lights over to 12 hours a day and lasts from 7-18 weeks.

Remember this is very basic check out my other pages for more detail. Also cannabis is illegal in most countries. In most of the E.U you will not go to prison for less than 10 plants the USA is a different story tho it is in the same class as crack and heroin and the penalty's are harsh be very careful growing in the USA
